The Business Building Spring Cohort 2025
Are you ready to turn your passion for helping others into a profitable business?
If so, you're in the right place.
The BB Spring Cohort is a small group business building cohort (20 women max) designed get you laser focused on building your business and busting through the fears of being seen, heard and paid.

Not sure if The Business Building Spring Cohort is the right next step for you?
Let's hop on a 30 minute strategy call.
Book A FREE Strategy Call With MichelleDoes any of this sound like you?
- You've taken lots of classes. You might even have a drawer full of various certificates.
- You don't know how to step into hanging your shingle and letting the world know that you're in business.
- You don't know how to charge for your services.
- You understand that you need to invest in yourself if you want your future clients to invest in you.
- The idea of building your profitable business excites you but you don't know how to get your business up and running.
- You don't know how to get paying clients
If So, Then I Bet One Of These Is Keeping You Stuck...
- Fear of being seen
- Fear of not being able to do the tech required to run a profitable business.
- Lack of training, support and mentorship
- You know that you are good at helping people, but you feel stuck and don't know how to move forward.
- You have no idea how to start and run a profitable business.
- You've seen other people build their businesses and wish you could, too.
I know how you feel because this ☝️ was me not that long ago.

If we haven't met...hi!
I'm Michelle Lagaly
and I spent years getting one certification after another in the healing/coaching/intuitive arts thinking that one more certification would give me the confidence to "officially" start my healing/coaching business and charge for my services.
But I had so much fear & resistance to being seen, heard and paid for my services.
I was worried what my family would think. I was worried if I could really get people the results they were looking to get. I questioned whether I should even be charging for my healing/coaching sessions.
But I had such a strong desire to make a great living doing the coaching work I loved.
So I committed myself to learning the marketing (which I loved) and doing the inner work to release the fears & resistance (which I didn't love, but was key to my success) and I built a coaching business to 1 million dollars in 7 years.
Now, I'm on mission to help other women do the same inside The Business Building Spring Cohort.

Now...I know you might be thinking...."I don't want to join another program and not get results!"
I hear you loud and clear (and I feel the same way).
This is NOT a program.
The Business Building Spring Cohort is a high touch business strategy & coaching that is:
customized to you
customized to your unique talents
customized to your unique tech abilities (or lack of if you're like me)
customized to the resistance that shows up in you
And this why we only work with 20 women in this cohort.
Here's Exactly How The Business Building Spring Cohort Works:
Step 1: Clear Goal
In this cohort, we will help you set a Clear & Measurable Goal to accomplish in 12-weeks.
I'll coach you to make the best choice based on your skillset, bandwidth and desired income. Ultimately, you will decide because it's your business!
There are so many ways to build your profitable business, which creates a lot of noise and shiny object syndrome.
But not in this cohort.
You will start with 1 clear and measurable goal.
If you complete your 1 clear & measurable goal before the 12 week cohort ends, then you can choose to rinse and repeat your original goal or pick the next growth step for your business.
Examples of Clear & Measurable Goals from current students:
- Create & market 4-week online program
- Get website and other business foundational pieces completed
- 20 paid clients by January
- Create & market 1st in person event
- Make videos on reels and a consistent schedule
- Create & market a 4-week paid course
- Build the foundations of business (website, lead magnet and social media channels)
- Speak with ease about who I am and what I do and first group workshop in person
- Create & market an online workshop and get 1 new client
- 4-5 paid clients/week
- Complete the foundations of business building (website, lead magnet)
- Complete & Market lead magnet to build email list
- 100 paying members inside membership
Step 2: Clear Business Strategy
You'll get coached to clear business strategies to reach your goal in the 12-weeks time frame based on the current state of your business, your available time, your current skillset & bandwidth.
Creating a business strategies simply means creating the plan/plans to get you to your goal.
There are many strategies you can choose to get to your goal (and this is where shiny object becomes a problem🐿), but with consistent coaching, you'll be crystal clear on the right strategies for you. 👏
Examples of Clear Business Strategies from current students:
- Create & implement a webinar to offer 4-week online program
- Create & implement a website
- Run paid & organic traffic strategies
- Build lead magnet funnel
- Get first 10 clients through reach-outs list (and don't worry about tech and automation right now)
Step 3: Clear Action Steps
You'll get coached to create, map out and implement a set of measurable action steps based on your goal & strategies.
Getting to your goal is a series of action steps to completion, but this can be so challenging for creatives!
All these action steps can create OVERWHELM and shut you down.
But we don't do overwhelm in this cohort...We do high accountability live coaching & this level of support will keep you focused on your goal, your strategy and your actions. 💪
Examples of clear actions steps (please note: action steps are custom to each students based on their business building goal & strategies):
- Set a date for webinar with the ideal runway time. (see The Business Building Academy Program Portal for training and/or ask during live coach training)
- Create a sales page for membership (see The Business Building Academy Program Portal for training and/or ask during live coach training)
- Set up payment links (live tech coaching will help you with this)
- Create & post invitations to event on IG & FB
- Notice and address any resistance that is showing up and bring it to our live coaching call so we can help you move through it
Step 4: Clear Challenges & Resistance
As you begin to implement clear actions towards your goal, challenges and resistance will present itself. IT ALWAYS DOES!
Weekly LIVE coaching will address and extinguish the challenges and resistance that would derail you if left unaddressed.
Examples of emotional/mental challenges and resistances from past students:
Fear of doing a video for social media
Family issues that need attention
Fear of speaking in front of a group
Not feeling "good enough" to make an paid offer
Examples of Technology challenges & resistances:
Can't set up automated emails
Need help creating an immediate email
Need help creating one-page website
Need help posting an offer on social media
The fears of being seen, fears of charging for your services, fears of what others will think + fears of technology are REAL.
Through weekly coaching + the supportive community, you can bust through the challenges and resistance! That's what this cohort is all about!
Step 5: Clear Results
Look how far you've come! 👏👏
- You've decided your clear business goal
- Designed your clear business strategies
- Created & implemented the clear action steps
- Moved through the challenges and resistances that showed up
Here are examples of Clear Results from current students:
- Created & promoted my lead magnet and now growing my email list.
- I spoke with ease about who I am and offered a workshop and they said yes!
- Created & published my business foundations (website & lead magnet).
- I'm creating and posting videos on social media.
- I'm in the process of creating and promoting my webinar to sell my 4-week beta paid course.
- I'm consistently reaching out to prospective coaching clients to fill my 1:1 private coaching business.
- I had a discovery call and she purchased my coaching package!
Step 6: Clear Evaluation
It's time to evaluate your goal, your strategy, your action steps, your challenges & resistance and your results. (but we don't wait until week 12 to evaluate....you'll learn this valuable skill from the get go)
But here's the truth that NO ONE TELLS YOU WHEN THEY ARE TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING...I RARELY HIT MY CLEAR GOAL IN 12-WEEKS...and you might not either if you have a big goal like me.
And... there is nothing wrong with that.
It's perfectly normal.
But most people will quit or look for something "new & "shiny"l that will magically create a profitable business.
- Evaluating your goal
- Evaluating your strategies
- Evaluating your action steps
- Evaluating your ability to manage the challenges and resistance that presented itself
- Evaluating your actual results

Not sure if The Business Building Spring Cohort is the right next step for you?
Let's hop on a 30 minute strategy call.
Book A FREE Strategy Call With MichelleYou already know that The Business Building Spring Cohort is a high touch business strategy, coaching, accountability and community plus busting through resistance, but did you know that you get access 9 incredible bonuses (valued at over $6,000)?
Here's everything you get when you join:
12 Weeks of Live Business Building Coaching Calls On Zoom
12 Live Coaching Calls (The live coaching calls meet every Thursday 1:00-2:30 pm ET from February 6-April 24). These calls will be a strategic mix of setting your goal, creating your business strategy, creating and implementing your action steps, tweaking when necessary combined with inner work coaching to bust through any resistance to being seen, heard and paid.
12 Weeks Access to the Members Only Private The Business Building Spring Cohort FB Group
12 Weeks Access to the Members Only Private Business Building Spring Cohort Facebook Group where you have daily support for strategy support, accountability, tech support, and a community of like-minded women.
12 Weeks of Tech Training & Support
We know that tech is one of the biggest hurdles to building your profitable coaching business, so we have a tech-savvy coach on the team to help you in 2 ways.
1) You can join us live on Thursday (1-2:30 pm ET) for live business building calls to answer all your tech questions and help you in real-time.
2) Our team is available to answer your questions inside of our private Facebook group Monday-Friday.
12 Weeks of InnerWork Coaching Support
We also know that inner resistance and outer circumstances show up in the strangest way and can derail you business. It's one of the biggest challenges to building your profitable coaching business
InnerWork Coaching is part of our weekly coaching calls on Thursdays 1-2:30 pm ET.
- Immediate Access To 9 Over The Top Bonuses-
12 Week Access To The Business Academy Program Vault (valued at over $6,000) which include:
-Bonus #1-
Building The Vision Of Your Business Training
Training 1: 3 Business Models That Have Generated Over 1 Million Dollars In My Business
Training 2: Pricing/Package Framework
Training 3: Clarity Scale
-Bonus #2-
Building The Foundations of Your Business Training
Training 1: Naming Your Business & Tech Set Up
Training 2: Understanding Your ICA
-Bonus #3-
Build Your Platforms Of Your Business Training
Training 1: How To Build A Loyal Following
Training 2: Setting Up Your Social Media Account
Training 3: Setting Up You Email Marketing Platform
Training 4: Building Your One Page Website And Why One Page Only
Training 5: How Build A Lead Magnet Funnel That Drives Traffic & Builds Your List
-Bonus #4-
Building The Conversions To Create A Profitable Business
How To Create And Run Conversion Events & Workshops Training
Training 1: How To Create Conversion Events/Workshops
Training 2: How To Use The 8 Step Framework & Workshop Outline Examples
Training 3: How To Run Low Tech, Mid Tech, High Tech Conversion Events
Training 4: How To Set Up Low Cost Facebook Ads To Your Conversion Events, Lead Magnets & Workshops
Training 5: How To Build A Conversion Event/Workshop Complete Funnel.
-Bonus #5-
Becoming Visible Training
Training 1: How To Be Visible In The Market In A Way Authentic To You.
Training 2: How To Show Up On Video Using The Facebook Lives/IG Live Framework
Training 3: Learn The 8 Step Success Formula of FB Lives/IG Lives and Workshops
Training 4: How to Increase Engagement On Social Media
Training 5: How To Leverage Your Content Using The Loop Method
Training 6: How To Create Content Consistently
-Bonus #6-
Building Leads & Sales Skills Training
Training 1: How To Have A Discovery Call With A Potential Client
Training 2: Understanding Organic & Paid Traffic Sources And When To Use Them
Training 3: FB Ads Training + When & How Boost a Post
Training 4: How To Verify Your Domain
Training 5: How To Create FB Pixel
Training 6: How To Create Lead Event
Training 7: How To Create Conversion FB Ads
Training 8: How To Create a FB Ad to a FB Group
Training 9: How To Add Your Pixel to Your Landing Page
Training 10: How To Read Your FB Ad Metrics
-Bonus #7-
Build Your Beta Signature Program Training
Training 1: How To Build Your First Beta Signature Program
Training 2: Understand The Group Coaching Framework
Training 3: How To Write Sales Page Copy
Training 4: How to Build A Sales Page
-Bonus #8-
Build Your Debrief Skills Training
Training 1: Learn How To Evaluate Every Aspect Of Your Business So That You Can Learn & Grow Your Business.
-Bonus #9-
Promotion Week: The Marketing Advantage
This is your chance to be seen, heard and paid to a bigger audience! On week 11-12 of this cohort, you and your services will be promoted to my audience which consists of over 91,000 inside my Facebook and an email list of over 40,000 people. This will grow your visibility, your email list and your services. This is optional, but highly encouraged!
-Bonus #10-
And... one more Early Enrollment Bonus for you...
If you join The Business Building Spring Cohort 2025 by January 15, you'll get early access to The Business Building Spring Cohort 2025 Program Portal AND you're invited to the small group "Let's Get Visible Live Training 2.0" happening 3 Thursdays in January 1-2:30 pm ET (Jan. 16, Jan 23, Jan 30). No worries if you can't it live, the recorded training will be in your program portal.
I'm ready to join The Business Building Spring Cohort 2025!Not sure if The Business Building Spring Cohort is the right next step for you?
Let's hop on a 30 minute strategy call.
Book A Strategy Call With MichelleWhat People Are Saying...

Dustie Smith
"Michelle's program has changed my life. I know without a doubt I am meant to be a healer, her class has given me the tools to do it. The amount of growth and healing I've experienced in these short few months has me walking lighter with an excitement for life I haven't felt in many years!!"

Ashley Fox
"I come here, and the women here have been supportive, caring and they reach out and we check on each other. Michelle gives us to the tools to work from."

Jackie Biel
"I’ve never felt better about myself, my self-worth, my purpose and my support system!"

The Business Building Spring Cohort 2025 Officially begins Feb. 6-April 26.
Early Enrollment opens Nov. 14, 2024
The BB Spring Cohort has only 20 seats available so that we can coach each women at the highest level.
Doors close when all 20 seats are filled.
Once you register, you'll get immediate email confirmation + invite to The Business Building Spring Cohort FB Group & immediate access to The Business Building Academy Program Portal.

More from the students...

Trista Crist
"There’s so much that I’ve learned and done, and wouldn’t even think I’d be where I am now. There’s a lot of personal growth as well. It’s been awesome."

Teresa Freyberg
"Oh my gosh-this is the best thingI have done for myself in years-maybe my whole life. Michelle teaches the skills and gives you a "Tool Kit" to use the rest of your life. The business-side of things is usually not offered in a package like this. She shares her "secrets" and truly wants you to succeed like her."

Sarah Worden
"We had such meaningful moments and breakthroughs week after week after week. We were all in it together and I love that."
Commonly Asked Questions
When And Where Do The Live Training Calls Take Place?
How Much Is The Business Building Cohort Investment?
How Much Time Will It Take To Get Through The Program?
Not sure if The Business Building Spring Cohort is the right next step for you?
Let's hop on a 30 minute strategy call.
Book A Strategy Call With Michelle