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Interview with Krissy about her experience being a member of Intuition Circle Oct 22, 2019

In this interview, Krissy is sharing about her experience being a member of Intuition Circle. 

If you are interested in developing your intuitive abilities in a grounded and supportive online environment of awesome women, please join me inside of Intuition Circle. You can try it for 1 month...

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[Day 5] 5 Day Meditation Challenge Oct 13, 2019

Woo hoo! You made it to day 5 of The 5 Day Meditation Challenge!

 If you are interested in developing your intuitive abilities in a grounded and supportive online environment of awesome women, please join me inside of Intuition Circle. You can try it for 1 month and if you decide it not for...

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[Day 4] 5 Day Meditation Challenge Oct 12, 2019

Welcome to day 4 of The 5 Day Meditation Challenge.

In this 5 minute meditation, we focused on releasing other peoples' energy, calling our energy back to us and visualizing a healthy and strong energy field.  

 If you are interested in developing your intuitive abilities in a...

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[Day 3] 5 Day Meditation Challenge Oct 11, 2019

Welcome to day 3 of the 5 Day Meditation Challenge!

In this 5 minute meditation, you're going to experience releasing other peoples' energy, your own energy field and calling your energy back to you.  Here we go!

 If you are interested in developing your intuitive abilities in a...

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[Day 2] 5 Day Meditation Challenge Oct 10, 2019

Welcome to Day 2 of The 5 Day Meditation Challenge! In today's 5 minute meditation I'm go to take you through the R.O.P.E. Meditation + we are going to call your energy back to you.  Let's do this.

The InnerWork Life Coaching Framework is here: ...

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Day 1 Meditation Challenge Oct 09, 2019

Here is Day 1 of the Meditation Challenge! In this meditation, I'm taking you through the R.O.P.E. Meditation in just 5 minutes (ok...I think it took 6 minutes!)

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The Spectrum Of Taking On Other Peoplesā€™ Thought, Feelings and Emotions Oct 01, 2019

How To STOP Taking One Other Peoples' Energy-Becoming Aware Of Where You Are On The Spectrum

If you would like to dive deeper...Join me Thursday in the FREE Masterclass: How To STOP Taking On Other People's Thoughts, Feelings And Emotions 

Register here:...

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Do You See Your Intuitive Abilities As A Gift Or A Curse? Sep 11, 2019

As empaths+sensitives we are on a spectrum that I call surviving to thriving spectrum. If you feel like your intuitive abilities are a curse, then I want you consider that you might have some confusion, fear and misunderstandings about your abilities.  I truly believe that as you begin to...

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How To Release The Blocks To Your Gifts & Abilities Aug 07, 2019

Do you have blocks when it comes to your gifts and abilities?

You are not alone! I felt this way for years and I want to do everything I can to help you release any blocks to your gifts and abilities.  

When you bust through the blocks to your gifts and abilities, it changes your life...

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Do You Want To Become A Certified Healer? Aug 07, 2019

If you feel that you are a healer, helper or lightworker then I invite you to set up a time to talk with me about Intuitive Life Coach Certification that begins on Sept. 23

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Do You Have A Desire To Do More Or Be More? Jul 30, 2019

Do you have a desire to do more or be more?

If you are interested in developing your psychic & intuitive abilities, join the waitlist and I'll notify you the next time Intuition Circle opens.


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The Number One Ability Of Empaths+Sensitives Jul 23, 2019

Intuition (and being psychic) is the #1 ability of Empaths+Sensitives. If you're interested in discovering and developing your psychic & intuitive abilities, learn more about my group called Intuition Circle

The doors to Intuition Circle...

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